Technical Content Production and Translation Services

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Technical Content Production and Translation Services

Manufacturers and business owners continuously sell their products outside national borders, and, along with their products, the product's technical manual. The operation procedure of products may be intuitive for some users, but cause problems for others.

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Technical Content Production and Translation Services

Technical Translation is simply the process of transforming technical documentation and scientific papers into different languages. This service requires in-depth knowledge and technical subject matter. That's why technical translation is more complex and why it needs such a high level of accuracy and precision. If you're a company or business that plans on expanding to foreign markets, technical translation will be your ticket overseas.

When do you need Technical Translation?

Companies need technical translation when expanding internationally or seeking foreign partnerships in new markets. If you're selling or exporting products or services overseas, your company must provide technical documents in the target languages. Technical Translation is used in a wide range of texts from user manuals and software strings to operating instructions.

Here are some industries that benefit from Technical Translations:






Sales & Marketing



Food & agriculture


Customer service

Tech / software

Health Care

Governmental organizations

Why is Technical Translation important?

Are you thinking about cutting your costs by not translating your technical documentation? – Truth to be told; this will cost more and not just money, but also your business reputation. Any simple error or mistranslation can have unpleasant consequences from lawsuits to costly retranslations. More importantly, mistranslations create bad user experiences, losing many business opportunities, or worse, subjecting your business to be shut down by authorities.

To ensure that the right technical flow is on track, you must choose a professional translation and localization company before you take your business abroad. So, why is technical translation important?


Technical Documentation includes specific terms with specific meanings, depending on the target industry. For example, you need technical translation for a product manual with installation information for a new machine. Of course, it's vital that the right terminology is used consistently throughout the entire document. To achieve the desired results, the technical translator must have an engineering background and a clear understanding of the field as a whole.


When it comes to technical translation, it is critical to understand the law nuances in the target countries. So, aside from the right idea communication, you need to be on the right side of the law or risk losing your rights in the new market.

Cultural Aspect

Professional technical translation takes more than just communicating the right meaning of the technical terms. It also requires Localization to deliver your marketing message in the right tone. Some gestures, tones, graphics, and colors are offensive or rude in one country and completely normal in another. The technical translator must know the cultural nuances in the target market to respectably communicate with the target audiences.

Brand image

What is your ultimate marketing goal? The short answer is "Business Image." Without a doubt, as a business owner, you spent much time, money, and effort to establish your brand as a trustworthy one in your local market. When jumping into new markets, it's essential you carry this brand persona with you, showcasing your professionalism, credibility, and quality. Accurately translated technical documents interpret the high level of respect and care for your target audiences, forming a new loyal customer base.

Format Differences

And, in technical translation, it's not only about words. The way you present technical information varies from one country to the other, including figures and more. A professional translator must be aware of these differences, avoiding any costly mistakes that may occur.

Major types of Technical Translation documents

How is Technical Translation done in Qtrans Language Solutions?

Technical Translation requires a high level of expertise to deliver the technical information with the intended message in the original text. And, aside from subject matter and terminology proficiency, technical translation needs superior knowledge of the original and target language, as well as the target culture. With specialized training and background, we offer one of the most powerful technical translation services worldwide, achieving consistency and clarity.

Our Technical Translation services include

A specialized glossary for better control on the used terms

A professional project manager who assigns the right team for your project

An experienced team of technical translators with subject matter and fluency in both the original and target languages

Quality Assurance process to effectively-edit and proofread the entire document

Do you want quality work on your technical documentation?

Contact our technical translation company today and let's get started on your project. From engineering to finance, we will provide top-quality technical translations and achieve brand recognition. Are you ready to go global?

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Contact us today to engage globally with a contemporary voice and up-to-date content to help you engage with professionals from around the globe


4900 California Ave, Tower B, 2nd floor Suite 210B, Bakersfield CA 93309